Taking into account many years of specialization in the legal service of business entities, the lawyers of our Law Firm constantly render comprehensive services of corporate advising for commercial law companies and capital groups (including the international ones) as well as associations and foundations. The experience in the scope of the projects of corporate restructuring of business entities and capital groups is also significant. Within the framework of this area’s practice, we support our Clients in the following scope:
the creation and registration of commercial law companies and their branches as well as associations, foundations, and the branches of foreign entrepreneurs;
advising on shaping corporate structures and building capital groups taking into account the optimal model of management and partners’ relations, preparing and negotiating contracts and agreements between partners or stockholders;
creating the internal organizational documents of business entities;
the day-to-day legal service of the activity of constitutional bodies including the preparations of resolutions and dispositions, and the minutes of the sessions of management boards, supervisory boards, and partners’ meetings;
representing partners and stockholders during the sessions of a partners’ meeting or a general meeting;
the liquidation of entities conducting business activity;
the legal audit (due diligence) of commercial law companies;
introducing changes in the capital structure of companies in connection with a change in the amount of share capital or the sales of shares or stocks;
the analysis of effects and the development of succession models (legal succession) after natural and legal persons;
the transformations, mergers, and divisions of companies;
representation in corporate disputes including appealing against the resolutions of companies’ bodies.